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Modelling of the distributional impacts of the proposed Energy Taxation Directive reform and Emissions Trading Scheme extension shows these polluter pays policies can help fight ...
EU response to food crisis, green strategic autonomy and transition to cage-free farming – Subscribe to the Green Trade Network newsletter! ...
Carbon farming refers to sequestering and storing carbon and/or reducing greenhouse gas emissions at farm level. It offers significant but uncertain mitigation potential in the ...
EU Member States with greener tax systems tend to also have more progressive tax systems and lower inequality. Opportunities for fair, green tax reform are ...
Green and fair taxation, nature restoration for climate, carbon farming and EU Soil Health law – Subscribe to the Green Trade Network newsletter! ...
The European Commission recently announced aiming at banning cages for farmed animals. This IEEP report commissioned by CIWF assesses the feasibility of transitioning towards cage-free ...
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