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Think Sustainable Europe

For more information on Think Sustainable Europe, please contact:

Mattia Bonfanti IEEP

Mattia Bonfanti

Head of Networks and Governance


In 2023, fifteen European think tanks from a total of fourteen countries are members of Think Sustainable Europe. The network is continuously growing, to bring voices from national contexts to discussions on environmental policy in Brussels.

Members work collectively on various environmental policy files, including the European Green Deal, through specific research projects, thematic Working Groups, and information sessions.

Think Sustainable Europe members

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With innovative proposals (e.g. the introduction of a ‘polluter-pays-principle’ policy options for agricultural GHG emissions or the establishment of a comprehensive resource management law), 4 ...
As the European elections approach, hundreds of sustainability experts believe that the European Green Deal will be maintained by the new European Commission, but its ...

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