Climate and Circular Economy


The EU is a front-runner in the transition to a climate neutral and circular economy. Achieving this goal requires a major acceleration this decade of policies related to both the supply-side and the demand-side of EU energy and material use. Questions related to the social and distributional consequences of climate, energy and circular economy policies are increasingly central, in view of ensuring that this transition is fair and just.

IEEP’s work in this area explores socially-just pathways to bring the EU economy within planetary boundaries for climate and material use. We are particularly interested in the nexus between inequality and climate action; analysis of green taxation and other economic instruments; behavioural changes and other demand-side measures; the social implications of waste, resource efficiency and circular economy policies; and social and environmental spillover effects from the EU’s climate and circular economy transition in other regions.

Key areas

How are the benefits and burdens associated with the EU’s climate and circular economy transitions distributed?

Can EU polluter pays economic instruments be progressive?

How can equitable EU material footprint reductions support greenhouse gas emission reductions?

What are the implications of human rights and environmental due diligence frameworks for climate action?

Latest news

The new Ecodesign Forum, the expert group that will assist the European Commission in implementing the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), held its first ...

Latest publications

One of the biggest inefficiencies of the agri-food chain is food waste, a fast-growing phenomenon whose very existence seriously challenges planetary boundaries. One-third of all ...
In this Annual Report, we provide an overview of IEEP’s research work and innovative activities on European environmental policies covering the financial year July 2023-June ...

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