The impacts of the UK’s low carbon energy policy on biodiversity: evidence and policy tools

AUTHORSL Graham Tucker-A.J. McConville-Bettina Kretschmer

The study reviews evidence of the impacts of UK’s low carbon energy policy on biodiversity in the UK and abroad, and incorporates biodiversity effects of low carbon energy scenarios into the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change 2050 pathway calculator tool. It also critically examines an indirect land use change (ILUC) assessment framework proposed by UNEP-WCMC, assessing the practicalities of using the framework in practice. 

The project, led by BIO Deloitte, formulates recommendations to guide policy and to ensure better consideration of the potential risks to biodiversity of low carbon energy options. IEEP was responsible for a literature review of the impacts of energy production technologies on biodiversity, for assessing impacts on UK habitats, plants, birds and marine fish, and other tasks.

The reports are available here.

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