AUTHORS: Marianne Kettunen – Andrea Illes – Matt Rayment – Primmer, E. – Verstraeten, Y. – Rekola, A. – Ring, I. – Graham Tucker – David Baldock – Droste, N. – Santos, R. – Rantala, S. – Ebrahim, N. – Patrick ten Brink
For the European Union to meet its goals of protecting and restoring biodiversity, the availability and effective delivery of adequate funding is essential. The current EU framework integrates conservation goals into its main funding mechanisms in a co-financing approach.
This study by IEEP and partners identifies the shortcomings in the existing framework, which limit its conservation- and cost-effectiveness. The study finds funding levels must be significantly increased to meet conservation requirements. It also highlights the successes achieved by well-designed measures through current EU mechanisms, such as the LIFE, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The authors recommend improvements to the approach, through earmarking expenditure for biodiversity; addressing eligibility gaps; improving coordination, coherence and monitoring; reducing administrative burdens and increasing stakeholder cooperation. Further possible future options include complementing the existing framework with novel policy mixes, presented as a stand-alone document, and the development of a dedicated fund for conservation.
These publications aim to inform the implementation and evaluation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, to meet commitments under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.