Incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem service values into national strategies and action plans

AUTHORS: Leonardo Mazza – Claire Brown – Cristina Secades – Hollie Booth – Anna Chenery – Patrick ten Brink

IEEP and UNEP-WCMC have just published the outcomes of a project examining the ‘Lessons learnt from incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem service values into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans’.

These include:

  • A Roadmap. An easily accessible tool to support Parties in incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem services into NBSAPs. This document provides succinct information on how values can be incorporated, the entry points at different stages of NBSAP updating process, and the different approaches to support incorporation of values.
  • A Guidance document prepared to support practitioners of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to update their plans making them compliant with Aichi Biodiversity Targets 1 and 2 through the incorporation of biodiversity and ecosystem service values. 

The project pulled together a significant knowledge base which integrated a literature review with the knowledge and experiences of CBD Parties themselves. Six case study countries were identified for in-depth consultations (Micronesia, Georgia, Burkina Faso, Norway, Guatemala and South Africa). The countries were chosen to represent different approaches, geographical regions, capacity levels, socioeconomic contexts and stages in NBSAP development.

The guidance includes:

  • An upfront document map detailing the key steps for NBSAP updating, the different approaches that can support the process, and how this relates to the rest of the document, providing a quick guide to readers to where find things at the different sections NBSAP revision steps and points of entry for incorporating values
  • The different approaches to identifying, integrating and accounting for values, and where these fit in the NBSAP revision process
  • Common lessons of good practice extracted from six case studies (full case studies provided in an Annex)
  • Sources for further information

These reports were jointly authored by staff of IEEP and UNEP-WCMC. They have been produced as an output of a joint UNEP-WCMC and IEEP project, funded by Defra, and in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat to examine the ‘Lessons learnt from incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem service values into NBSAPs’.

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