Use of financial instruments to address climate change policy objectives

AUTHORS: Keti Medarova-Bergstrom – Axel Volkery – Raphael Sauter – Ian Skinner – Jorge Núñez Ferrer

The Commission plans to simplify and expand the use of financial instruments under the 2014 – 2020 EU MFF. Climate mainstreaming is proposed as the key mechanism to help meet the objective that 20% of the next MFF should be targeting climate-relevant activities.

This study for DG CLIMA analyses to what extent current proposals are fit for purpose. Is there a need to scale up action and should this happen via modifying the proposed instruments or creating new instruments? While a lot of progress has been made, further options exist and should be deployed to better mainstream climate change and foster technical assistance under centrally managed instruments and instruments under shared management. The study provides for an initial assessment and evaluation of different ways forward.

Contact: Axel Volkery

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