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Business Action on Climate Change – Where Next after Emissions Trading?

AUTHORS: Catherine Bowyer-Claire Monkhouse-Ian Skinner-Rebecca Willis (Green Alliance)

The UK has a clear commitment to tackling climate change – yet government estimates suggest that we are not currently on track to meet our targets for carbon dioxide reduction. To achieve carbon goals, all sectors – business, householders and the transport sector – will need to play their part. This research report focuses on the business sector, asking what more can be done to encourage business action on climate change, and assessing the impact of a major new policy initiative, the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme. Two other reports related to this research are available: (i) The full report is available from Green Alliance at a cost of £20 (email; (ii) A copy of the interim research report and literature review is available for free download from this site – ‘Business Action on Climate Change: Where Next After Emissions Trading? Working paper and literature review’ (Nov 2004). This should be read in conjunction with the final report.

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