Europe’s Rural Futures: The Nature of Rural Development II, Rural Development in an Enlarging European Union

AUTHORS: Janet Dwyer-David Baldock-Guy Beaufoy-Harriet Bennett-Philip Lowe-Neil Ward

A study on the planning and implementation of rural development programmes under the Rural Development Regulation and SAPARD, drawing on eight national reports and a European Round table. This report presents the findings of a study ‘Europe’s Rural Futures’, commissioned by the Land Use Policy Group (LUPG) of Great Britain’s conservation, countryside and environment agencies and WWF Europe.

This pan-European research project on the rural development instruments of the EU was undertaken to promote a European debate on policies needed to support sustainable rural development, and to inform and influence the Mid-Term Review of the Rural Development Regulation (RDR), further reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other policies relevant to sustainable rural development. The research aimed to explore implementation of rural development programmes supported under the EU’s RDR1257/1999 and the SAPARD pre-accession instrument (1268/1999). The study examined the extent to which these programmes are promoting integrated and sustainable rural development, the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and the coherence of rural development policies with environmental legislation.

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