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Agri-Environment Bulletin Issue 4

AUTHORS: IEEP-Harriet Bennett-David Baldock-Avalon Foundation-Peter Sturesson-Maria Staniszewska

This Agri-environment Bulletin is produced as part of an international project entitled “Building Know-how for the Implementation of Agri-environment Schemes in Central and Eastern Europe”, and is funded by DG Environment of the European Commission and the Dutch Government PIN-MATRA Fund. The contents of this issue include:

  • The road ahead for the accession negotiations on the CAP – David Baldock, IEEP
  • Derogations for processing – Harriet Bennett, IEEP
  • SAPARD unit initiative to support agri-environment measures – Peter Sturesson, DG Agriculture
  • PHARE Access funding possibilities – Maria Staniszewska, Polish Ecological Club
  • Summer Academy on organic farming – Viara Stefanova, Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture
  • New publications

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