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IEEP presents The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) in Stromstad, Oslo, Paris and Rome

The urgency of addressing the continued loss of ecosystems and biodiversity is being increasingly translated into economic terms and there is also increasing clarity on the needs for policy response and what form that could take.

Patrick ten Brink of IEEP and Coordinator of TEEB for Policy Makers report, presented on incentives and financing to integrate the value of biodiversity and ecosystems into our economies at the recent high level meeting in Stromstad under the Swedish presidency of the EU – Vision for Biodiversity Beyond 2010: People, Ecosystem Services & the Climate Crisis, 7-8th September 2009.

He also presented at Workshop on Payment for Ecosystem Services at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Oslo, 5 June 2009, at The Global Taxonomy Partnership and its Special Trust Fund workshop in Paris, 17 & 18 June 2009 and at the G8+5 Legislators Forum at the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome, 12th-3rd June 2009.

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