Clean Industrial Deal, COP29 and beyond: integrating competitiveness and climate commitments

AUTHORS: Irene Chiocchetti, Zsófia Pej and András Kéri (EnergiaKlub)

During the Think2030 Dialogue – Hungary webinar, distinguished speakers discussed the climate-competitiveness nexus with the Green Deal objectives and the international climate commitments to be pursued and the new long-awaited industrial strategy: the Clean Industrial Deal.

The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) hosted the online Think2030 national Dialogue, focusing on some of priorities of the Hungarian Presidency and with insights from Hungarian organisations. Other panelists from think tanks (members of Think Sustainable Europe), international organisations and the private sector contributed to the discussions providing timely recommendations for policymakers. The webinar took place in a crucial moment: right after the re-elections of Donald Trump as President of the United States, and at the kick-off of COP29, while the nominations of the new College of Commissioners were ongoing. 

As a result of the discussions, here summarised some key recommendations to be implemented in the upcoming legislative period:

  • Enhancing competitiveness but not as an alternative to sustainability
  • Embracing systemic change and new economic thinking
  • Making better and longer use of resources and raw materials
  • Aligning industrial policies with climate goals and EU values
  • Implementing Carbon Border Adjustments but including exemptions
  • Striving for stricter cooperation with third countries and more involvement in the decision-making to reach climate targets
  • Scaling up climate finance commitments
  • Reinforcing climate diplomacy at COPs
  • Embedding trade and climate in a more coherent and just way

You can watch the replay on IEEP YouTube channel. Download the briefing and recommendations.

IEEP, in collaboration with members of the Think Sustainable Europe network and other national entities, organises Think2030 events (national Dialogues) twice a year, in conjunction with the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. Every two years, IEEP organises a larger event. The latest Think2030 conference took place in Brussels in March 2024, under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency. Previous national Dialogues include the one in Stockholm in April 2023 (Think2030 Dialogue Sweden) and in Madrid in November 2023 (Think2030 Dialogue Spain).  

Since its establishment in 2018, Think2030 has reached out to and involved many policymakers, EU officials, and representatives from private and public sectors.

Files to download

Think2030 - Clean Industrial Deal - Integrating competitiveness and climate commitments (IEEP 2024)

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