European Green Deal Barometer

For more information
on the European Green Deal Barometer, please contact:

Irene Chiocchetti - IEEP Membership Network Assistant, External Impact Team

Irene Chiocchetti

Membership and Policy Officer

About the Green Deal

To complement its existing work on the specific policy proposals and strategies that are part of the Green Deal, IEEP launched the European Green Deal Barometer to offer a holistic analysis of the plan and its implementation status.

The European Green Deal, launched by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in December 2019, is a transformative green agenda aimed at reaching climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. As one of the most ambitious political projects to date, the implementation of the Green Deal comes with the challenge of getting every Member State on the same page and communicating the plan to EU citizens as a positive narrative for change. 

To increase awareness and political accountability for Green Deal implementation, in 2021 IEEP launched the European Green Deal Barometer, an annual survey that aims to assess the status of Green Deal implementation by consulting sustainability experts across Europe. The results of the first two consultations can be consulted on this page, and the third edition will be launched in early 2023.

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