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Green Trade Network

For more information
on the Green Trade Network, please contact:

Pierre Leturcq

Head of programme


In early 2022, IEEP created the Green Trade Network, a group of experts from over 20 European research organisations, ranging from think tanks to NGOs and academia, conducting evidence-based research and outreach activities on the trade and environment nexus.

On this page you will find information on the network’s activities as well as the editorial from its latest newsletter. Don’t hesitate to subscribe, and follow @GreenTradeNet on Twitter for more frequent, bite-sized updates.

GTN member organisations are based in 9 EU Member States, but also in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Switzerland. The aim of the GTN is to collectively promote a European agenda with a better alignment of trade policies and trade-impacting measures with key environmental and climate objectives.

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In December 2022, the Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the CBAM and the reform of the EU ETS. While these new instruments ...

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