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Commission unveils the Water Blueprint

The Blueprint sets out the Commission’s strategy for the future protection of Europe’s waters. First it emphasizes the need to implement the law that we already have. If Member States fully implemented the Water Framework Directive, many problems would be solved. Sadly, in many cases implementation is slow. 

Those managing our waters face a number of challenges. Some lack sufficient capacity or tools to take the right action. Other policies place unacceptable pressures on water. The financial crisis is squeezing public spending, only making the challenge worse.

As a result help is needed. Better guidance and tools to help water managers are highlighted in the Blueprint as is better prioritization of spending EU funds. In only limited areas does it propose to amend or propose new law.

IEEP has contributed to the development of the Blueprint, leading a study to examine different options that the Commission to take forward to address many of the problems facing Europe’s waters. The study analyses the main problems we face, exploring different approaches to reducing them. We examine the impacts of those options, setting out their pros and cons.

The Blueprint will be launched in Cyprus on 26-27 November. Andrew Farmer from IEEP will be chairing one of the sessions.

See further information (including details of livestreaming the event).

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