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COP15 | Our last chance to reverse biodiversity loss

COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity is taking place in Montreal from 9 to 17 December therefore with only two weeks for the negotiators to secure a historic agreement to safeguard biodiversity globally.  

Think Sustainable Europe Podcast. COP15 | Our last chance to reverse biodiversity loss.
Think Sustainable Europe Podcast. COP15 | Our last chance to reverse biodiversity loss.
TSE Podcast. COP15 | Our last chance to reverse biodiversity loss.
Moderated by Gabrielle Aubert

In this new podcast, Gabrielle Aubert, Policy Analyst at IEEP discusses with two experts from the Think Sustainable Europe network the ambitions of the Post-2020 GBF and what is required to make it work from a point of view of land rights and climate diplomacy.

Building on the outcomes of the negotiations at COP27, David Betge, from TMG, and Romana Březovská, from AMO, shared their views as to why the Post-2020 Global Framework Agreement has the potential to fill in important gaps from the previous framework and to strengthen synergies with climate change and land desertification. David Betge is a Research Associate at TMG, and specialises in land rights, while Romana Březovská is a Research Fellow at AMO whose research focus is climate negotiations and who is part of the Czech Presidency team responsible for EU coordination at COP15. 

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