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EU research project PEGASUS – new thinking on sustainable land management

14 partners from 10 EU countries came together in London on 29-30 April to mark the start of a three-year research project PEGASUS (Public Ecosystem Goods and Services from land management – unlocking the synergies). The project, coordinated by IEEP, is funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research programme.

Through active engagement with a wide range of land managers and rural stakeholders PEGASUS will develop new ways of thinking about the way farmland and forests are managed in order to stimulate a long-lasting improvement in the provision of public goods and ecosystem services from agricultural and forest land in the EU. Over thirty case studies are planned across the EU to consider the issues and find solutions that work in a range of farming systems as well as along the supply chain.

More information about the project will be available in the coming months via a new project website.

PEGASUS partners are:

IEEP (Coordinator)
University of Gloucestershire (UK)
DLO Foundation (comprising LEI (Agriculture and Economics Research Institute) + Alterra (NL)
IfLS (Institut für Ländliche Strukturforschung, part of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt (DE)
CRA-INEA – public research agency on agriculture and agricultural economics (IT)
UZEI – Institute of Agriculture economics and information (CZ)
JRC – Joint Research Centre – European Commission (Ispra)
INRA –National Institute for agricultural research (FR)
BABF- Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas (AT)
Evora University (PT)
Ljubljana University (SL)
CEET – Centre for Ecological Engineering (EE)
BirdLife Europe

For more information on PEGASUS and IEEP’s work on sustainable land use, please contact Kaley Hart (

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