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Event | Advocating for Green Taxation: Stakeholder workshop

IEEP is organising a stakeholder workshop to explore experiences of successful advocacy for green taxes and other market-based instruments in the EU, and to present a new Green Tax Advocacy Toolkit.

29 March
9:30-11:50 CET
Register here

This stakeholder workshop is intended for civil society and other stakeholders. It will explore experiences of successful advocacy for green taxes and other market-based instruments in the EU, and to present a new Green Tax Advocacy Toolkit, developed by IEEP as part of a project with the European Commission DG Environment, funded by the European Parliament.

The Toolkit should help civil society and other stakeholders to learn from the use of green taxes and other pollution pricing instruments in different Member States, and support stakeholder efforts to encourage their more widespread use to deliver environmental objectives in a just way.

The 2.5-hour workshop will:

  • Present the headline findings of the IEEP-led research project on EU green taxes and other market-based instruments.
  • Provide ‘inspiration examples’ of successful green taxation and pollution pricing advocacy by stakeholders in EU Member States.
  • Introduce a new Green Tax Advocacy Toolkit and offer space to discuss how stakeholders can overcome common obstacles to polluter pays instruments.

The full agenda and details of speakers can be found here. We look forward to welcoming you to the workshop.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact

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