Event | Strategic prioritisation for EU climate policy in 2024–2029

The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Future Matters, invite you to join the launch of the new research report “8 EU Policy Priorities for Global Decarbonisation. Pathways to European Climate Leadership”, a systematic prioritisation identifying the EU’s best climate policy opportunities for the 2024-2029 mandate on 15 April, 13:00-14:30.

In a landscape filled with recommendations and policy options, Future Matters introduces a novel approach to assess and prioritize those policies with the greatest untapped potential to mitigate global greenhouse gas emissions. Based on data analysis, extensive literature reviews, and interviews with over 100 experts and EU policymakers, the study evaluates policy options across ten criteria and recommends eight strategic policy opportunities. Join us on 15 April in Brussels or online as Future Matters and IEEP introduce this methodology, the policy recommendations, and the new report—along with a message from Jos Delbeke, former Director-General at the European Commission’s DG CLIMA.

If you would like to participate in person or online and access the report early, please reply here by 8 April.

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