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Financial Support to Developing Countries for Climate Change: Is the EU Meeting its Earlier Commitments?

IEEP urges for stronger EU stance and more clarity in supporting developing countries in the face of climate change.

An IEEP study looks into how the EU has fulfilled a crucial commitment within the so-called Bonn Declaration of 2001, a collective agreement of the then EU-15 and five other OECD donor countries to provide financial support to developing countries for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The report finds that although some support has been provided there is no official document issued by the EU with reliable and verifiable information on the total figures. The study concludes: “The lack of transparency is clearly inconsistent with the EU’s claim to global leadership in the climate change process.”

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Download: Study: Financial Support to Developing Countries for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: is the EU Meeting its Commitments?

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