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How Much for Biodiversity? – MEPs join the discussion on the economic value of nature

On 7 April, the Greens and the European Free Alliance (EFA) in the European Parliament organised a stakeholder workshop to discuss the future of the EU biodiversity policy, in particular the role of nature in maintaining human welfare and economic wellbeing. The event was hosted by MEP Sandrine Bélier, a coordinator of the Greens campaign on the International Year of Biodiversity 2010.

IEEP’s Marianne Kettunen opened the event with a keynote speech on the economics of biodiversity, focusing in particular on the findings of the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative.

The European Parliament workshop on the value of biodiversity was the first one in the series of events taking place during the course of this year, to mark the international theme year for biodiversity.

Upcoming events:

6 May 14.00 – 16.30 Room A5E1 – Agricultural biodiversity and North-South relations (official title to be defined)
2 June – Screening of Oceans with Jacques Perrin & Debate on the future of the Common Fisheries Policy
1 July – Theme to be defined: Health, Green New Deal or Transport?
5 October – Conference on Biodiversity and Climate ‘Last call before Nagoya’

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