Reinforcing environmental dimension of European security policy

A new IEEP policy paper on environmental and climate security is launched today, coinciding with the Planetary Security Conference in Den Haag (19 – 20 Feb).

The paper “Reinforcing Environmental Dimensions of European Foreign and Security Policy” outlines the environmental dimension of European security policy and security-related foreign policy and discusses how the integration of environmental concerns could – and should – be improved to support the delivery of the EU and global 2030 Sustainability Agenda.

“Environment and ecosystems underpin both human and national security. Acknowledging this means a departure from security and defence policy as traditionally perceived. It requires a more holistic regime that goes beyond military preparedness or response, with due links to sectoral activities that impact the quality and resilience of the environment and ecosystem.” – Marianne Kettunen, Head of Programme on Global Challenges and SDGs

To mark the launch, IEEP’s Marianne Kettunen will be participating the Planetary Security Conference’s special session on conflict and nature, discussing how conserving and restoring nature can be a considerable contribution towards peace and security.

The paper is part of the Think2030 initiative and it has been developed in cooperation with Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC), Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels / European Union. It has benefitted from a wide consultation of European and global experts including, for example, EEAS, EUMS, DG Climate Action, IUCN and UN Environment.

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