Save the date! Third edition of the Think2030 conference on 29 and 30 June in Paris

AUTHOR: Clara Casert

The Think2030 conference is back for its third edition! This in-person event, co-organised by IEEP and IDDRI, will centre the discussion on European Green Deal implementation by 2024 and beyond.

Launched by IEEP and its partners in 2018, Think2030 is an evidence-based, non-partisan platform of leading policy experts from European think tanks, civil society, the private sector and local authorities.

Every two years, the platform discussions converge into a high-level conference. The third edition of the Think2030 conference is taking place on 29 and 30 June in Sciences Po, Paris and will focus on the implementation of the European Green Deal, at a pivotal moment that is the handover from the French to the Czech EU Presidency.

On the afternoon of 29 June, IEEP and top speakers of the European institutions and the Trio Presidency (France, the Czech Republic and Sweden) will discuss the main results of the second edition of the European Green Deal Barometer and reflect on the results and on what is needed to advance the implementation of the Green Deal by 2024 and beyond. The Barometer results are based on an analysis of hundreds of sustainability experts.

The second day of the conference, 30 June, will look at key thematic areas – ranging from climate and energy policy to sustainable food systems – and refine policy recommendations targeted at the Trio Presidency, the European Parliament and the Commission. The recommendations, drafted by Think Sustainable Europe, will be presented for discussion to the Think2030 community to sharpen them collaboratively.

A full programme of the conference and a registration link will follow shortly.

For this edition of the Think2030 conference, we decided it was important to strengthen private sector engagement in the platform – which is why we are glad to announce that Tetra Pak and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers’ Association (IBMA) have officially joined Think2030, and other names will be announced soon. We believe that bringing together many of the stakeholders that are key to the implementation of the European Green Deal can only help to make it a success, and we hope to contribute to that with Think2030.

We look forward to welcoming you in Paris. Should there be any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to

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