Think Sustainable Europe

With the urgent need for evidence-based decision making in Europe, at the end of 2019 IEEP brought together leading sustainability think tanks to form Think Sustainable Europe, a network dedicated to providing policymakers across the continent with sound, science-based analysis and recommendations.
For the latest information on Think Sustainable Europe, please visit the network’s official website.

Think Sustainable Europe is composed of the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Ecologic Institute, the Green Tank, the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), the Europe office of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability (TMG).

Like the Think2030 platform, at which centre it lies, Think Sustainable Europe’s key objective is to identify science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe.

In a short time, the network has already held several high-level meetings at EU institutions, provided recommendations and analysis of major policy files and proposed the creation of an independent, green recovery scrutiny board to ensure a sustainable transition from the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Think Sustainable Europe wants to make evidence count. Faced with a rapidly closing window of opportunity to achieve sustainability in Europe and globally, members of our network have committed to pool their capacities and engage Europe’s best sustainability thinkers in a diverse network stretching from North to South, East to West.

Céline Charveriat
Executive Director, IEEP
By working together, we can leverage a much deeper and more robust evidence base and become more effective in making it available and accessible in Brussels and the Member States.

Måns Nilsson
Executive Director, SEI
 Think Sustainable Europe brings together leading institutes with decades of experience in critical research and policy advice. In this concerted effort, the coalition will help discover, convey and expedite better solutions across the EU.

Camilla Bausch
Executive Director, Ecologic Institute
Our coalition of think tanks is particularly relevant to the EU policy processes because it helps ensure coherence between the political debates in our national capitals and the common long-term transformative objectives decided jointly in Brussels.

Sébastien Treyer
Executive Director, IDDRI
 We need joint efforts and collaboration to make a sound pluralistic assessment of the current situation, identify commonalities and analyse barriers to find a common language for a joint vision and to develop strategies that can converge the goals for a sustainable EU with those in our countries.

Alexander Müller
Managing Director, TMG
Think2030Think Sustainable Europe serves as the idea generator for Think2030, a platform of leading sustainability experts from European think tanks, civil society, the private sector and local authorities. As an independent, non-partisan platform, Think2030’s main objective is to identify science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe.Think2030 meets every two years for a high-level conference to discuss and present the outcomes of the collaborative work. The 2020 conference will take online on 16-17 November.

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