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Workshop: Assessing the Commission’s Proposal on Carbon Capture and Storage

IEEP organised a workshop on behalf of the European Parliament on CO2 capture and storage (CCS), chaired by the Rapporteur Chris Davies, MEP.

The workshop assessed the Commission’s proposed Directive on CCS, including an introduction to the Directive by the Commission, followed by a panel discussion with experts, and finally a review of financing options. There was a discussion period following each session.

Download the conference programme

Parliamentary Rapporteur Chris Davies chaired the event, which featured an introduction to the Directive by the Commission, followed by a panel discussion with experts, and finally a review of financing options.

Programme and presentation downloads

  • 15:05 Welcome and opening – Rapporteur Chris Davies, MEP
  • 15:15 Introduction the proposed CCS Directive – Scott Brockett, European Commission
  • 15:30 Q&A with Scott Brockett
  • 16:00 Experts Panel (10 minute presentations)
  • 17:00 Q&A with the experts
  • 17.35 State of play in the Council – Slovenian Presidency representative
  • 17.50 Financing CCS – Jan Panek, DG TREN
  • 18.05 Financing CCS – Kate Hampton, Climate Change Capital
  • 18.20 Q&A
  • 18.50 Closing remarks – Rapporteur Chris Davies, MEP
  • 19.00 Reception (outside the meeting room)

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