AUTHORS: Peter Hjerp – Ian Skinner – Peterlongo G. – James Medhurst – Marianne Kettunen – Kalinka P. – Hausemer P. – Grubbe M. – Evers D. – Cachia F. – Keti Medarova-Bergstrom – Patrick ten Brink
This is the case study report of the project Cohesion Policy and Sustainable Development on how to improve the integration of the environment into the Cohesion Policy period 2014-2020 as part of a study commissioned by DG Regio.
Twenty-six case studies that offer insights into strengths and weaknesses of integrating the environment into Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 were selected. Rather than provide a representative overview of Cohesion Policy across the EU, the case studies investigate a set of approaches from which positive lessons and solutions could be drawn. In this sense, they focus both on good practice and innovative approaches that could contribute to the shift to the green economy and on cases where Cohesion Policy has failed to ensure sustainable development.