Discussion Paper on EU Wellbeing Economy

AUTHORS: Agata Meysner (IEEP), Lisa Hough Stewart (Wellbeing Economy Alliance)

Building on the contents of the EU Wellbeing Economy Coalition Vision Statement, this discussion paper sets out to explore the key components of an envisioned wellbeing economy for Europe, showcasing the knowledge and ideas within the coalition.

The discussion paper puts forward proposals within the following policy areas: institutions, civil society, employment, trade, taxation and finance, policy design, business models, emissions and resources, nature and biodiversity, health as well as public services. Each of the ten sections offers an accessible overview of the state of play in Europe, as well as solutions and ideas for the way forward.

We have grouped the policy areas under the five “WEAll Needs”[i], which were developed by the global Wellbeing Economy Alliance community in 2019 to articulate the design principles of a wellbeing economy. These are: participation, fairness, purpose, nature, and dignity, fairness. 

The contents of this discussion paper do not represent the views of all members of the EU Wellbeing Economy Coalition. Rather, each section brings together the ideas and perspectives of the named author(s) and contributor(s). Therefore, we emphasise that this is a discussion paper, reflective of our discussions as a coalition, and we warmly invite our readers to join the conversation, share comments and feedback. This is the first edition, and the coalition intends to publish future iterations of the discussion paper to incorporate policy progress, emerging ideas, and input from new stakeholders.

Download the Discussion paper.

[i] Wellbeing Economy Alliance (2023) WEAll Needs Link

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Discussion Paper on EU Wellbeing Economy

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