El Anzuelo Volume 1

AUTHORS: Clare Coffey-David Baldock-Euan Dunn-Karen Mitchell-Bert Keus

European newsletter on fisheries and the environment.

As we approach a new century, few sections of society face more fundamental questions about the future than the fishing community. On the one hand, there is the prospect of dwindling stocks of many key species, declining job opportunities and increasing criticism of environmental damage. On the other, there are opportunities for revising the Common Fisheries Policy and building a new foundation for sustainable fishing which will support the next generation of fishing communities.

Progress towards sustainable fisheries must be made at a local and national level, bringing together all those with a legitimate interest and building a consensus where possible. However, most of the more strategic decisions and the overall direction of policy are set at a European level. This is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. As the prospect of a significant reform of the Common Fisheries Policy approaches, there is a need for a real exchange and dialogue between those concerned for the future of fisheries on a European scale. Both the fishing community and environmental interests should be ready to listen to one another’s views and contribute creative, forward looking proposals.

The purpose of this newsletter is to help to encourage such a dialogue and to provide an impartial and accurate source of advice for development on fisheries and the environment at a European scale. We will be tracking the key developments in Brussels and drawing attention to major reports and opportunities to participate in meetings or discussions. There will be articles on the future of the Structural Funds and the opportunities for seeking EU support for sustainable fishery initiatives. We also hope to encourage an exchange of ideas and experience between people in different countries and will be carrying articles by a range of authors from different backgrounds.

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