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Environmental administration in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and benefits assessment for fYRoM and other countries of South Eastern Europe – Task 2

This study explored and estimated the environmental, economic and social benefits that are likely to arise from the full implementation of the EU environmental legislation (the ‘acquis Communautaire’) in the south east European countries of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro – the SEE study countries. The study focused on benefits in the air, water, waste and nature areas. For each are a qualitative and quantitative assessment was carried out, and for air and water the benefits were also monetised. For instance, the study revealed bringing air quality up to EU standards in the SEE countries could lead to a reduction of more than 10,000 cases of chronicle bronchitis and premature death each year, corresponding to a saving of 600-1100 million EUR, while the benefits of improved drinking water quality could be up to 650 million EUR/year. Beside the following report, which provides the general overview and findings of the study, the executive summary and the 6 country studies can be found at

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