Funding Environmental Compliance Assurance: Lessons Learned from International Experience, OECD

AUTHORS: OECD-Patrick ten Brink-Andrew Farmer

Throughout the world, authorities responsible for enforcing environmental regulations and promoting compliance with environmental requirements are operating in the context of financial constraints. This report by Patrick ten Brink and Andrew Farmer offers experiences, insights, and concerns, gathered through a survey of selected OECD and transition economies, on developing and applying funding policies and managing budgets of environmental enforcement agencies. The publication of this report is one of the activities undertaken within the OECD programme of work with non-member countries in the context of the Task Force for the Implementation of Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe (EAP Task Force). The report was prepared as part of a project to assist the enforcement authorities in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) to develop sustainable effective, efficient and financially viable environmental compliance assurance programmes. Note: Print copies are available from OECD.

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