AUTHOR: Krystyna Springer
This report presents an overview of ongoing and recently completed EU projects which promote innovation in carbon farming. It focuses on initiatives funded by Horizon Europe and a smaller selection of programmes financed through other sources of public funding and private sector initiatives. Through an analysis of a sample of over 50 projects, this report offers insight into the efforts being made to accelerate the adoption of more sustainable agricultural practices across the EU.
As the debate around the transition to sustainable agriculture increasingly centres around the concept of carbon farming, we gather examples of innovative initiatives which aim to contribute to a more widespread deployment of sustainable farming practices across the EU.
This report discusses key emerging themes and trends, providing an overview of projects encompassing a range of innovative approaches, including decision support systems, innovative monitoring and reporting solutions, technological advancements, novel contract designs, and innovative agronomic techniques. The report is accompanied by an interactive inventory of the analysed projects, which catalogues information on the supported innovations, climate measures, participating Member States, and bioregions covered by each project.
Overall, the analysed projects represent a significant effort to promote sustainable agriculture and carbon farming in the EU. They address various factors in the sustainable transition in the agricultural sector, from technology and innovation to policy development and contract design. However, further efforts are needed to complement these initiatives and address the ongoing challenges related to access, regional disparities, farmer behaviour and adequate incentives to ensure the widespread adoption of sustainable practices in European agriculture.
Read the report and visit the the Carbon Farming Inventory website.

Report photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels