N2K In-shore Fisheries briefing 2

AUTHORS: Saskia Richartz

atura 2000 in the Marine Environment is the second in a series of IEEP briefings examining key provisions of EU nature conservation policy set out in the habitats and birds Directives, and how these relate to the UK inshore fishing sector (ie within 12 nm). It outlines the provisions for Natura 2000 – the European ecological network of protected areas designed to protect species and habitats of EU-wide interest – in the marine environment.

The habitats and birds Directives have potentially far-reaching implications for various economic sectors, and the fisheries sector is no exception. The purpose of these briefings is to explore the possible consequences for the UK inshore fishing sector. In due course, the briefings will be followed by good practice examples from the UK and other European countries, demonstrating innovative ways of managing fisheries in support of EU nature conservation policy.

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