The Role of Fisheries Licensing in European Environmental Management

AUTHORS: James Brown-Andrew Farmer-Kate Bevins-Harriet Bennett-Christina Alvarez

Fisheries managers face the dual challenge of achieving sustainable fisheries exploitation, while doing so through ‘light’ regulation. This is particularly the case in the European Union, where there is an overarching ‘better regulation’ agenda and new environmental management requirements under the Common Fisheries Policy.

This paper explores the potential for using fisheries licensing schemes for environmental purposes in the EU, and so demonstrates their value as an instrument for environmental integration in the sector. The current and potential use of licence conditions and licensing within strategic management planning and assessments is explored in EU and non-EU fisheries, as well as other sectors. While not necessarily the solution to all environmental management challenges, licences are evidently a potentially valuable tool that can be used for more than mere entry limitation. This report has also been updated and refined as a paper in the journal of Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 50, Issues 1-2 , 2007, Pages 35-56.

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