Think Sustainable Europe

For more information on Think Sustainable Europe, please contact:

Mattia Bonfanti IEEP

Mattia Bonfanti

Head of Networks and Governance

Working Groups

The Working Groups of Think Sustainable Europe were established to share knowledge, gather intelligence, and build capacity across the network, with a focus on four pillars of the Green Deal.

CAP, Food and Land Use

The Working Group on CAP, Food and Land Use Is led by IEEP and gathers nine other members: IDDRI, IISD, BC3, SusDef, AMO, The Green Tank, Ecologic Institute, SEI, CONCITO and TMG.

Energy and Climate

Led by IEEP, this working group involves IDDRI, CENSE, SusDef, the Green Tank, SEI, BC3, IISD, Ecologic Institute, Wise Europa, EnergiaKlub, AMO, CONCITO, DOOR and IEEP.

Circular Economy and Material Footprint

The Working Group on Circular Economy and Material Footprint is made up of eight members: IEEP, BC3, CENSE, the Ecologic Institute, IISD, SusDef, CONCITO and SEI.

Biodiversity and Natural Capital

The Working Group on Biodiversity is led by IEEP and gathers the Ecologic Institute, BC3, the Green Tank, AMO, IDDRI, SusDef, CENSE and DOOR.

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In this Annual Report, we provide an overview of IEEP’s research work and innovative activities on European environmental policies covering the financial year July 2023-June ...

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