Andrew is a biologist by training and specializes in EU legislation in relation to water, marine pollution control and circular economy, including the functioning of institutions necessary to implement these policies. Andrew also has an interest in strategic policy issues such as better regulation and policy evaluation. He is also experienced in the interaction of EU policies with policy development outside Europe – global (UN), neighbourhood countries, different global regions, etc. He is the editor of IEEP’s Manual of EU Environmental Policy. Before joining IEEP in 1997, Andrew worked for English Nature as its atmospheric pollution specialist and sustainable development co-ordinator; prior to that, he undertook research at Imperial College and at the Universities of Wisconsin and Florida, USA. He has a degree from Oxford University in natural sciences and a Ph.D. from St Andrews University. He has authored many articles and books, including “Managing Environmental Pollution” and “A Handbook of Environmental Protection and Enforcement”, an editor of “Environmental Crime in Europe and was editor of IEEP’s Manual of EU Environmental Policy.
better regulation, water, pollution control, marine, circular economy
Brussels office
Rue Joseph II 36-38, 1000
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