Mats Engström has been involved in EU policy-making and analysis since the 1980s, inter alia as Environmental Attaché at the Swedish EU Representation, as Deputy State Secretary and Director of International Affairs at the Ministry for the Environment in Stockholm, and as an adviser to a former Foreign Minister. In these capacities, Mats Engström contributed to the environmental provisions in the Amsterdam Treaty, to the EU acidification strategy, revisions of car emissions and chemicals regulation, to the Cardiff strategy and more. He has also followed environmental policy as a journalist, including as Editor-in-Chief of the leading technology magazine Ny Teknik, and has analysed innovation policy in Europe and East Asia for the Swedish government. Presently, Mats Engström is an independent analyst and writer. He is the author of three books and has published extensively in Swedish and international magazines. Mats Engström holds a MSc in Engineering Physics and a degree in Journalism.
Low-carbon transitions of industry; energy and transport; environment and EU external relations; innovation and digitalisation; environmental policy integration
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Rue Joseph II 36-38, 1000
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