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IEEP sustainable bioenergy & biogas event at EU Sustainable Energy Week

The IEEP will co-host, with the European Biogas Association, an event on sustainable bioenergy and biogas policy at this year’s Sustainable Energy Week.

Date: 20 June 2019, 09:00-10:30

Location: Jenkins Room, Charlemagne Building, 170 Rue de la Loi, Brussels

For full details and registration please see the event website:

The session will present recent research and case studies outlining good practices and policy lessons supporting sustainable bioenergy and renewable biogas across EU Member States, with interactive discussion by leading  stakeholders and observers of the field.

Bioenergy and renewable gas remain important renewable energy sources and are projected to grow steadily in the coming years as part of efforts to achieve the EU’s climate and energy goals.

Bioenergy, including biofuels and renewable gas, has the potential to be an important part of sustainable development in Europe and beyond, but policy must be carefully formulated and implemented to ensure that unintended consequences do not negate these potential benefits, especially as usage scales up.

The event includes a variety of leading voices from industry, government and civil society discussing what we can learn from the current policy initiatives that support sustainable bioenergy and biogas. What are the foreseeable challenges for sustainability in the post 2020 renewable energy framework? How to ensure better synergies between different policy drivers to support sustainable bioenergy and biogas in Europe?

Following presentations on recent research and case studies by the IEEP’s Senior Policy Analyst, Catherine Bowyer, and the President of the EBA, Harm Grobrügge, a panel will engage in an interactive discussion of the above issues.

Moderator: Pete Harrison, Executive-Director, EU Policy, European Climate Foundation


  • Emilio Folli, Farmer, Consorzio Italiano Biogas
  • Luke Edwards, Climate Change and Land Use Policy Officer, BirdLife International
  • Galin Gentchev, Policy Officer, DG Agriculture, European Commission
  • Laura Jalasjoki, Policy Officer, European Network for Rural Development
  • Emmanuel Tuchscherer, Director for European affairs, ENGIE

PROGRAMME: “Supporting sustainable bioenergy and renewable gas use”

(Register HERE)

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