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Spring 2014 Newsletter – A Sceptical Wind

  • Editorial: A Sceptical Wind
    As the current European Parliament embarks on its final weeks of business, the potential political composition of its successor attracts increasing attention. There is every sign that Eurosceptic parties of various hues will increase their representation. This could affect environmental policy.
  • Policy options to achieve no net loss of biodiversity
    A new IEEP led study concludes that mandatory biodiversity offsetting is required to achieve no net loss of biodiversity in the EU, but its introduction could be counter-productive if it is not introduced cautiously and regulated strictly. The first priority should be to better implement existing nature conservation  measures.
  • Re-examining EU biofuels policy: A 2030 perspective
    Biofuels policy is in limbo, the deadline to meet EU 2020 targets is fast approaching, and 2030 energy and climate discussions have begun. IEEP considers how the current framework needs to change for the future.
  • Commercial inland fisheries and the CFP reform
    Commercial inland fisheries are not generally managed by the Common Fisheries Policy, but there is potential for the recent reform of the Policy and its fund to lead to improvements in the state of some inland fisheries.
  • Financing Europe 2020: what is required?
    Europe 2020, the EU’s core economic strategy, will succeed only if large scale resources can be deployed. But where will they come from? An IEEP report assesses the investments required and estimates the amount of potential funding sources at different government levels.
  • Developing policies for a resource efficient circular economy
    IEEP is involved in two projects to provide policy-makers with further guidance and support in achieving a more resource efficient, circular economy in the EU. Preliminary results will become available in the coming weeks and will be discussed with stakeholders in workshops during early May.
  • Tracking climate-related expenditure in the EU budget
    A recently completed IEEP study for DG Climate Action explores options for establishing and refining a robust and practical ‘tracking’ methodology to monitor and report climate-related expenditure in the 2014-2020 EU budget. 
  • New training courses on environmental policy
    IEEP plans to launch training courses on EU and international policy on the environment. Express your interest and preferences in our online survey.

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