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The application of the Almaty guidelines on public participation in international forums by Belgium

This report, written for the Belgian federal ministry of the environment, analyses the extent to which and the way in which Belgium applies the principles of the Aarhus Convention in international forums, which have been elaborated in the Almaty guidelines. More in particular, the study assesses the efforts made by the Belgian environmental authorities to involve stakeholders in and inform them about the process through which the Belgian negotiating positions for international environmental meetings are determined. It also assesses the efforts of Belgian delegations to promote and apply the Almaty guidelines at international meetings through its positions taken on relevant rules of procedure and practices at these international forums. These practices have been assessed in relation to 12 key global and regional MEAs and their respective protocols, including CBD, UNFCCC, LRTAP, CITES, the Aarhus Convention, the UNECE Water Convention, the Stockholm Convention on POPs, the Rotterdam Convention on PIC, and the Espoo Convention on EIA in a transboundary context. The report also includes a list of all MEAs signed or ratified by Belgium and lists their provisions on public participation or involvement of NGOs in their decision-making processes.

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