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Event | Beyond borders: how can the EU become a leader in consumption-based emissions reduction?

On Monday, 29 January, climate experts will share their thoughts on approaches to including consumption-based emissions considerations in policy as well as the barriers and needs to take the work further. This event is organised by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and hosted by MEP Pär Holmgren (Greens/EFA), co-hosted by MEP Sara Mattieu (Greens/EFA)

29 January, 12:00 -14:45 – Room Spinelli 5E1, European Parliament, Brussels

Trade has long been a cornerstone of the EU, fostering economic growth, job creation, and improved well-being. Yet, unsustainable trade and consumption practices stand out as major drivers of persistently high global greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC 2022). A substantial portion of member states’ consumption relies on imports. While mitigating territorial GHG emissions has received significant attention, GHG emissions generated beyond European borders have often been overlooked.

Remedying this oversight presents an opportunity for the EU to exercise leadership in global climate action. SEI has recently embarked on a research project on the topic to advance understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with establishing consumption-based emissions targets and strategies within the EU. The introduction of unilateral measures such as the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) and deforestation regulation, alongside proposed legislation like the EcoDesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, demonstrates the EU’s commitment to regulating embodied emissions in products.

At the event we will look at climate experts’ approach to including consumption-based emissions considerations in policy as well as the barriers and needs to take the work further. In particular, we will answer to the following questions:

  • What is the issue to address? Review the current state of consumption-based emissions in the EU, imported emissions from other regions and the importance for meeting global climate goals.
  • What is happening now? Discuss the current initiatives and approaches in the EU and its member states to address consumption-based emissions in the region.
  • How could change come about? Identify the main actors for change within the EU.
  • Opportunities and barriers? Identify the barriers and opportunities for policy to curb consumption-based emissions in the EU.
  • What are the key messages for the project findings? gather feedback from stakeholders to inform research.
  • Future research and discussions? Discuss future directions for policy-relevant research to better support the inclusion of consumption-based emission considerations in EU agenda

The photos of the event are available here. For presentations of the speakers, please see the files to download section.

You can view the recording of the event below.

Should you have any questions about the event, please contact Katarina Axelsson ( or Suzanna Walton (

The event is supported by funding from the European Climate Foundation.

Files to download

Event Agenda
SEI presentation
Barbara Bacigalupi - European Commission (DG-ENV)
Esther Sanye Mengual - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Ioannis Bakas - EEA
Katarina Axelsson - SEI
Michael Minter -CONCITO
Cesar Dugast - Carbone4

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