European Green Deal Barometer

For more information
on the European Green Deal Barometer, please contact:

Florian Martinez-Buathier- IEEP European Green Deal Adviser, External Impact Team

Florian Martinez-Buathier

European Green Deal Advisor

Target inventory

The European Green Deal lacks a governance framework, which would create obligations for Member States to report on progress towards implementation. Tracking existing targets constitutes a first step to create a transparent governance framework. The target inventory, updated annually, will be a useful tool towards greater accountability on European Green Deal implementation. It can be found here.

Latest news

The IEEP is excited to welcome three new members to the organization’s Strategic Advisory Council. Environmental experts Chiara Martinelli, Luc Bas, and communications specialist Claudia ...

Latest publications

In this Annual Report, we provide an overview of IEEP’s research work and innovative activities on European environmental policies covering the financial year July 2023-June ...
With innovative proposals (e.g. the introduction of a ‘polluter-pays-principle’ policy options for agricultural GHG emissions or the establishment of a comprehensive resource management law), 4 ...
As the European elections approach, hundreds of sustainability experts believe that the European Green Deal will be maintained by the new European Commission, but its ...
In this Annual Report, we provide an overview of IEEP’s research work and innovative activities on European environmental policies covering the financial year July 2023-June ...

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