Biodiversity and Ecosystems


The Biodiversity and Ecosystems programme supports the EU’s ambition to reverse current biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation to put nature on a path to recovery by 2030.


Through our work, we help ensure that key EU biodiversity decision-making is based on sound and widely supported evidence and that biodiversity considerations are effectively mainstreamed across relevant policy areas and sectors. Healthy, well-functioning ecosystems and the services they provide underpin the EU’s socio-economic well-being and long-term sustainability. By highlighting and demonstrating the vital benefits of biodiversity, we hope to inspire actors across society to meaningfully engage in its preservation and restoration. 


IEEP has extensive experience of biodiversity-related policy analysis having assessed and advised the development, implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of key EU biodiversity policies. Our current work focuses on the biodiversity elements of the European Green Deal, including the EU Biodiversity Strategy. 

Key priorities

Supporting the full, effective, and timely implementation of the EU biodiversity policy framework including the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, the Birds and Habitats Directives, the Natura 2000 network, and the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law.

Strengthening the mainstreaming of biodiversity to ensure integration and coherence between EU biodiversity conservation and other policies including land use and agriculture, climate mitigation and adaptation, water and fisheries, regional development, the internal market and global trade, public spending, and sustainable finance.

Contributing to halting the decline of pollinators in the EU by supporting the implementation of the EU Pollinators Initiative.

Latest news

In this podcast we talk about the COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity which takes place in Cali, Colombia from 21 October to 1 ...

Latest publications

In this Annual Report, we provide an overview of IEEP’s research work and innovative activities on European environmental policies covering the financial year July 2023-June ...
As the European elections approach, hundreds of sustainability experts believe that the European Green Deal will be maintained by the new European Commission, but its ...

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