Land Use and Climate

For more information
on the Land Use and Climate
programme, please contact:

Julia Bognar - IEEP Senior Policy Analyst, Land Use and Climate

Julia Bognar

Head of Programme


The rural land using sectors are an essential tool in achieving the EU’s climate and environmental goals. Beyond the marine environment, they represent the only source of natural carbon sinks to help mitigate climate change whilst simultaneously rebuilding natural capital, protecting ecosystems, and ensuring that society can continue to access nature for their health and wellbeing.

As Europe transitions away from fossil and finite resources, there is a growing and implicit dependency on bioresources, which must be considered in the context of the future scale of that bioresource use and the impact it may have.

Our priorities

To ensure that the agri-food sector transitions towards climate-friendly practices and achieves the needed emission reductions towards meeting the EU’s climate targets.

To continue to develop further the approach to agro-ecological practices and their implementation across the EU.

To ensure that the management of EU forests focuses on their wider contribution to society, beyond the material and energy uses of wood.

To ensure that the bioeconomy and the use of bioresources operate at a scale and within the boundaries of our planet.

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