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Land Use and Climate

For more information
on the Land Use and Climate
programme, please contact:

Julia Bognar - IEEP Senior Policy Analyst, Land Use and Climate

Julia Bognar

Head of programme

Sustainable carbon cycles

The global carbon cycle is made up of carbon reservoirs (stocks) and the dynamic transfer of carbon between them (fluxes).


While the majority of carbon on the earth’s surface is stored in glacial deposits and minerals, fossil fuels and  deep in the oceans, carbon is also stored in soil, trees, and plants. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) are a significant net source  of GHG emissions but also have high potential to remove and store carbon.


Activities in the AFOLU sector that decrease emissions, and  help halt the loss of carbon stocks, whilst increasing the   removal of GHGs from the atmosphere are necessary to  establish sustainable carbon cycles and mitigate climate change.

Our priorities

To examine land management practices that can mitigate climate change, improve climate resilience and contribute to keeping the global mean temperature below 2°C.

To integrate considerations of the permanence of carbon removals into policy and to treat protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services as equal objectives within carbon farming initiatives and potential carbon removal certification schemes.

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