For more information
on the Global Challenges and SDGs programme, please contact:
Pierre Leturcq
Head of programme
IEEP is actively involved in the discussions on the framework for measuring progress in implementing the global climate and 2030 SDG agendas and support the highest level of ambition by the EU.
IEEP has a long track record of sustainability indicator focused studies, including complementing GDP as a measure of progress and strengthening of indicators and accounting systems for natural capital.
The work of IEEP is also contributing to investigating how ‘sustainability’ can be captured by indicators and how these can be integrated as effective tools to inform the policy-making process.
Brussels office
Rue Joseph II 36-38, 1000
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IEEP’s work is produced with the financial support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
The work reflects only the views of its authors and not the donors.
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